Harrison Assessments

مهارات قيادة المتناقضات

Paradoxical Leadership Assessment Identifies Leadership Capability

Harrison’s Paradoxical Leadership Assessment provides key insights into the paradoxical choices that leaders need to make on a daily basis. It provides analytics related to leadership paradoxes which reveal leadership strengths and weaknesses. The Harrison Paradoxical Leadership Assessment measures 12 leadership paradoxes which reveal subtle issues of balance, giving leaders a deep insight into key leadership issues.

Paradoxical Behavioral Pairs

  • Certainty about opinions with open-mindedness
  • Self-assuredness with self-improvement
  • Directness or truthfulness with tactfulness and respect
  • Fulfilling their needs with helping others
  • Logic with intuition
  • Self-Motivation with stress management
  • Determination with creativity
  • Orderliness with adaptiveness
  • Risk taking with risk management
  • Holding others accountable with maintaining rapport
  • Making decisions with collaboration
  • Optimism with exploring what could go wrong

To be effective, leaders need to balance these leadership paradoxes. For example, leaders need to hold others accountable but at the same time they need to maintain good rapport. If they overly focus on having rapport but don't hold others accountable, they will not maximize performance. On the other hand, if they focus on holding others accountable without building rapport, they will demotivate others and cause employee turnover.

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Leaders often consider their strong tendencies to be strengths when in many cases they are actually leadership derailers. This lack of self-awareness is a barrier to achieving leadership paradoxes. For example, self-confidence can be a great strength but if it is not balanced with considering other ideas, self-confidence becomes dogmatism that stifles innovation and causes employee turnover. Conversely, leaders who are receptive to different ideas without having confidence in their own views will lack clarity which leads to confusion amongst the team.

Our Paradoxical Leadership Assessment provides the key insights leaders needed to understand balancing behaviors and embrace the challenge of keeping these importance balances.
