Harrison Assessments

Talent and Leadership Development

Great leaders are made not born

We design a leadership development program to help top-tier executive leaders, not only grow their leadership competencies, but also help them find new roles and overcome new challenges within the organization to bring more success.

Harrison’s leadership model focus on:

  • Clarifying the competencies required for Emerging Leaders and Senior Leaders
  • Identifying strong individual characteristics and determines if they are "derailers"
  • Providing the critical insights necessary to turn "derailers" into strengths
  • Mapping personal behaviors against a comprehensive set of leadership competencies
  • Inspiring change by recognizing individual strengths and pinpointing critical leverage points
  • Building organizational capacity by building leadership within your leaders

Harrison's Leadership solutions include:

  • Individual leadership competency diagnostics
  • Leadership bench strength analytics
  • Customized leadership transformation programs
  • Leadership competency training
  • Leadership coaching
  • Access to our world-wide network of leadership trainers and coaches